Tight Fitness is an evolution in the fitness industry. Driven by personalized and innovative training sessions, Tight Fitness provides its clients with high intensity and high efficiency workouts.

Clients successfully meet their fitness goals because of the individualized guidance and motivation they receive while working one-on-one or in small groups with a Tight personal trainer.

95% of your daily routine is made up of monotonous tasks. Break free from your every day life and enjoy the compassionate and meaningful experience all Tight clients receive. 

After all... it's just sweat.



Ah, the holidays! One of my favorite times of the year - outside bikini season of course - The sweet smell of pine scented decorations for our faux tree (because my animals would take to the tree like Miley Cyrus cruising in on that wrecking ball),  Mariah and Celine's Christmas tunes blasting on repeat and the NETFLIX yule log streaming on the SmartTv in the background.  The Christmas of a Millennial #amiright?

Those are just the simple feel-good things of the holidays that I associate with joy. That takes me into the double sword of Christmas... the nostalgic foods! Christmas cookies, turkey dinners, pies galore, a plate full of just stuffing (I do that), beer, wine, candy, cocktails... I could go on!  I think about the holidays and the munchies like I am going into a battle where I need to plan my every move. If not, I end up in maternity dress sweats with a turkey leg in hand, throwing my inhibitions to the wind whilst yelling "YOLO."   That's all well and good, but when this happens we just add more stress to the season when we wake up in the morning with a sugar and booze hangover with a side of regret and shame. Fail.

I don't know about you, but I have worked my ass off this year and I would be kicking myself if I rang in the New Year with a holiday induced spare tire around my waist.  Oh hell nah! So make way for a few tips and tricks to help you navigate your way through this time of glorious temptation.

  1. Eat BEFORE You Arrive To A Party!  Eating a healthy, balanced meal at home before you go rub elbows with peers will help you be prepared for when you confront the snack table. Fill yourself up with something loaded with protein and healthy fat to help you stay fuller longer, and reduce those sugar cravings so you don't go face deep into the sugar cookies. Control yourself, man.
  2. Be Selective.  As a self proclaimed food aficionado, I love to try everything and anything in sight.  Tragically, that's a harmful technique to go with as it not only contributes to weight gain but mixing all those food and drinks can reap havoc on the digestive system. Try and load your plate with the healthier items and leave room for only a couple of treats for you to enjoy. And once you are done with that plate, steer clear and avoid grazing.
  3. Bring A Dish.  They do say to never show up empty-handed to a party, so use this soiree etiquette to your advantage.  Typically we have no idea what kind of smorgasbord we will encounter so bringing a healthy option gives you a sense of control by having that wholesome dish ready and waiting for when you get that urge to chow down.
  4. Chat More, Snack Less. Position yourself in the crowd of people and get your chatter on. The more you engage in the socializing and further away you stay from the appetizer table, the better you will feel. 
  5. Tame The Booze Monster. I hate to say it, but booze consumption is typically the worst of holiday bulge problems.  Your trusty liver is the main fat-burning organ, so slow down the booze rather than slowing down the liver.  Drink a water or sparkling water with a lemon or lime in-between alcoholic beverages.  If you're drinking hard alcohol, skip the additional crap like soda and sugary mixers.  High quality Tequila is actually one of the cleanest liquors you can throw down the hatchet. And, it's gluten free.  You should also bring or look for organic red wine that is sulfate free.  I'm all for having a few drinks in your party pants, but be sure to drink with caution. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and also dramatically increases the probability of you ordering pizza at the end of the night. I mean, that sounds like a win/win, but for the sake of our hot bod's it's no bueno.

So there you have it. A few things for you to try and remember as you go into the battle of the Holiday bulge. Don't throw in a towel and fall back on old behaviors where you are just another one of millions hanging their heads the morning after and promising yourself that this New Years Resolutions will be to LOSE WEIGHT.   Get out of the pack and be a better version of yourself. You will be happy that you did when you look like a total babe on NYE while everyone else is covering their midsections with baggy shirts. Not this time!

Top Tight Fat Burning Foods

Welp,  I think I am more than overdo for a little blog posting action! Friday seems like as good a day as any! 

I want to touch base on my favorite subject: FOOD!

Although I would rather go in depth as to how much I love pizza, poutine, burgers & brews. Nope,  instead, I'm going to give you the quick and dirty on 5 of the top fat burning foods that you should incorporate into your diet.

We all know weightloss doesn't happen overnight, it's a long and sweaty journey that you need to battle your way though.  With all my clients I hardcore stress the importance of nutrition and how sticking to a proper diet will expedite the weightloss process. And guess what, even just eating the right foods can take you miles above grunting it out on the treadmill!  

So with that, here are my TOP 5:



Protein has a high thermogenic effect. That means that you can burn up to 30% of the calories that food contains just during the digestion process. For example; if you scarf down a 300 calorie chicken breast, about 90 calories of that is taken away just though the process. Another awesome thing about lean proteins is that they help keep you feeling fuller longer.  And if anyone has incessant munchies like myself, this can be a real hero!  Some examples include chicken breast, turkey, salmon and halibut. 



I'm not the biggest fan of the stuff from a taste standpoint, but that's just me being a baby.  When I need it, I use it because the benefits that you can get from throwing a little GT down the hatchet are worth it.  Green tea is loaded with anti-oxidants and fat burning properties. Drinking the tea helps kick start your metabolism and improves blood flow.  It's best to have about 2-3 cups of the tea a day. And here's a little tip for ya; keep some iced in your fridge so that when you look in your fridge every 5 minutes like I do (hoping that a treat will magically appear if I just keep checking),  you can pour a glass and curb those sugar cravings.



Our beautiful bodies tend to burn about twice as many calories when breaking down whole foods compared to processed food (notably those rich in fiber such as brown rice and oatmeal).  Foods rich is fiber help reduce hunger and they also enhance satisfaction.  Another plus is that whole grains help fight inflammation in the body which helps facilitate and expedite weightloss. Some awesome grain options include quinoa, brown rice and whole rye.



The little balls of blue magic contain catechin which help activate the fat-burning genes in our abdominal fat cells, thus assists with weightloss.  They are also bursting with Vitamin C, potassium and powerful anti-oxidants that help neutralize free-radicals in our systems.  Blueberries are delicious on their own but are also a great addition to include in salads and smoothies.



I could eat these green monsters full on, just by themselves!  These suckers are a tremendous source of omega-3 fatty acids.  Now I'm going to take a sidebar here and make sure that "fatty" doesn't scare you away. There is nothing wrong with fats as long as they are the healthy type and had in moderation.  Avocados also contain oleic acid which triggers the body to ease up on hunger pains. They are also packed with fiber and protein to help you remain fuller longer. Another perk is the natural oils found in avocados transfer to your skin, giving you a healthy glow.


So there you have it!  My top 5 picks for natural fat burners which are sinfully simple to include into your daily repertoire. 






Some days I can hang in the gym for hours and be the ultimate gym rat. I would bring a sleeping bag, my teddy bear, an iPad and a cooler of snacks and would willingly pay rent to make the free weight section my boudoir. Perhaps it has something to do with all the mirrors...?  But I digress...

This is not the case for all. I deal with wonderful people everyday who either don't have the time to spend hours in the gym or rocking cardio sessions for indeterminate amounts of time in order to hit their fitness goals. There are also the ones who battle self-diagnosed ADHD and just can't maintain the focus, or perhaps their ipod died. Can't do a workout without my Mariah. The early days, of course. 

So like anything in life, there is an answer to these woes, an alternative...  

Juliane's Rx =  HIIT baby, HIIT!   

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.  And intense is RIGHT! It's short segments of max output coupled with shorter periods of rest. Here are some of the benefits of kicking your own ass with this training method...

1. It's quick and dirty!  This is the ideal workout for the busy bees of the world. You can achieve more progress in an itty bitty 15 minutes of HIIT (2-3x a week) than someone who jogs on a treadmill for an hour.  If Beyonce has time to shape her booty, I think we all have an extra 15 measly minutes somewhere in our back pocket.

2. You burn more FAT!!  Isn't that what we all want?  Personally, I have no sentimental attachments to my excess flub. It's time to make that spare tire around your waist smaller and smaller until it's long gone. Next thing you know, you'll have your neighbors asking to wash clothes on your washboard abs!  Can't touch this! 

3. No equipment needed.  That's one of the ultimate excuses for people who are putting off getting fit.  That won't fly here, sweet cheeks.  Sprints, high knees, squats, push-ups... it's the possibilities are endless. Just find an exercise that pushes that heart and GIVER'

4. It increases your metabolism.  HIIT workouts stimulates the production of HGH (human growth hormone) by up to 450% during your 24 hr post-workout time.  HGH not only increases your caloric burn, but also slows down the aging process. You could ALMOST get away with wearing that princess dress and slugging back Shirley Temples out of a sippy cup.  Almost. 

5. It's the tits for your ticker. These days everyone should be doing whatever they can do protect their heart health.  Cherrios, albeit delicious, are not your only option! So get this... most of us are not at all used to pushing ourselves into our anaerobic zone (You know, the zone where you are nicely doubled over, hands on the knees and trying not to hurl... sigh, memories). However, with HIIT training, you will produce intense results. I can back this up... A 2006 study in the Journal of Physiology found that after 8 weeks of HIIT workouts, their subjects could cycle twice as long as they were initially able to before the 8 week HIIT study. Also, they were able to maintain the same pace.  If you distance athletes don't stick this in their training arsenal, then that's on you!

 It's quite amazing what can be accomplished in such a short amount of time.

So in closing, it's time for me to shut the laptop, make like Beyonce, and find some stairs to play on!



You Booze, You Lose. However......

I often am asked how I am able to stay in shape while still being able to eat drink and be merry just as I please. Of course there is no substitute for hard work in the gym, on a track or wherever you get your sweat on, there are always more 'strategic' ways and better choices to be made so that you are still able to live it up and not blow out your morning workout.

I would't describe myself as a follower of the Paleo way of life, however at times I have definitely  applied their methods (loosely) to the way I throw back them bevvies.

It's summer, and you better believe I will be finding my way to patio for a cold one on a gorgeous day, relax and kick back with friends!  There is nothing sinful about having a drink or two when you are trying to lose weight or get in badass shape, but it IS about moderation and doing it as wisely as possible without causing havoc to the waistline and your organs. 

So let's talk about it...

The staples of paleo-friendly alcohol are wine (preferably red), vodka and tequila. Sorry Rum lovers, but I won't say it!  It's easy to think otherwise and be mislead by it's clear color, but the sugar content is too dang high!  Gin will receive honorable mention, a participation ribbon if you will because of its paleo-friendly ingredients;  the base alcohol for gin originates from a grain mash, so it's lower down on the list but still a better choice than rum, whisky or any other hard alcohol. Ugh, it hurts to speak ill of whiskey like that, le sigh.  

Moving on...

The biggest antioxidant bang for your tipsy buck is a fairly obscure red wine called Cannonau. It's a Sardinian wine with not twice but THRICE the amount of antioxidants than any other wine. 

Now this goes out to all my beer drinkers out there...  Don't slap me when I say this but I would suggest a gluten-free beer. When I'm being mindful of my training and watching more closely what I put in my body I've sampled around and I can say that I've been fairly impressed with Burning Brothers line of gluten-free beers. They have some strong beers in a variety of styles and flavors and admirably make it a point to keep out most of the common allergens.  Almost every bar/liquor store/whathaveyou carries a GF option because of the growing popularity of GF products.

Back to my cocktails! Let's talk mixers shall we? Club soda (also known as soda water) and seltzer (pretty much the same thing)) are usually a safe bet as they're just carbonated water, whereas tonic is a big fat NO-NO due to the additives and sugar.  Here is a quick tip to look for on the label, if you see added sugar, STOP, DROP AND ROLL.  Listen here though, there is a big difference between "no added sugar" and "sugar-free."  Ex: Diet pop. Sugar-free, yes. However that poison is LOADED with chemicals. The lesser of the two evils would be to take the sugary option. Sorry diet lovers, but read it and weep.

On now to Fruit juices. Even if they're organic, unfiltered and 100% juice with no added sugar) are not ideal but a better option than tonic or any regular or diet soda, and therefore they get honorable mention and at the very least a secretive low-five. Your best bet is to use fresh squeezed juice from oranges, lemons, or limes and top off your drink with some club soda if needed. Citrus helps with detox and boosting your metabolism, so I suppose every little bit helps.

I bartended my way through my last year of college and then some, so I can't resist the opportunity to throw a few recipes your way!  Get your ice and shakers out y'all. 

**Disclaimer - These are meant to be consumed in smaller portions, mmmkay! I mean like using the glasses to make Old Fashions.  Trick: Ice, ice, baby. Use more of it.

Low-Cal Margarita
1-2 ounces of tequila (NOT bottom shelf, we are all better than that)
Juice and pulp of 1/2 lime (squeeze that lime with your mitts, get gritty with it)
Top off with club soda to taste

Gin Rickey
2 ounces of gin
Juice of 1 lime
Top off with club soda
Lime wedge for a classy garnish

Rum and Coconut Water (For those who don't want to ditch their rum)
1-2 ounces of Rum (Light or Dark. NOT Spiced)
Juice of a lime wedge
Top off with coconut water (regular or any flavored coconut water tickles your fancy)

Vodka and Club Soda
1-2 ounces of organic vodka                                                                                                                 Top off with club soda

Natural Screwdriver
1-2 ounces of organic vodka
Squeeze the juice from an orange.


So there's that!





Frustrated that you aren't able to drop those pounds like they're hot and you don't know why...?

Come along with me while I throw down the reasons why it's not working for you..

1. You Are NOT Being Consistent!   This is by far the most common problem with folk that are trying to drop the pounds and are scratching their noggins as to why they aren't shedding off like a dream! You can't just eat healthy once in a while, or workout a couple of times and then rationalize a gluttonous meal because you "worked hard". Unless you were born with god-like genes (in which case BEAT IT, PUNK), that's just not good enough. Good intentions don't breed results, consistency and followthrough DOES!

2. You're Building Muscle, Man!   Remember this: Weight and fat are two very different things. Too many times people hop on the scale and base the digits off of straight up pound loss. That is how you set yourself up for discouragement and lead you down the path to your boys Ben and Jerry to comfort you. And that's assault, brotha!! So  DON'T do that!  The more you workout, the more muscle you gain and as you gain muscle mass you will increase your overall weight. Muscle is heavier than fat and yet only takes up about 1/4 the space. You could very well weigh the same, but your physical appearance and measurements are going to be much smaller. You want that muscle because the more muscle you have, the more fat you are able to burn.  So look at the big picture, not just the lb digits on the scale.

3. Lack of Variety in Your Workout Plan.  Your bod is like a well-oiled machine, and a smart one at that. If you keep doing the same workouts day in and day out, that smart little body of yours knows it and will develop muscle memory for those monotonous movements. Your body will adapt and those boring old moves will no longer become a challenge.  At #TIGHTFITNESS, the name of the game is MUSCLE CONFUSION. If you are changing up your exercises, weight, reps, cardio and stretches, then there is no damn way your body is going to play the lazy game with you. It's like a relationship. Switch it up, role play, whatever the kids are doing these days to keep it fresh  and give yourself a run for your money.

4. But I Cleansed!  ... Really?   This one makes me want to bang my head against the wall FOR you!  But I've had too many concussions, so instead, I'll just tell you about WHY this is the wrong mentality!  There is NOTHING maintainable or sustainable about a cleanse. That's why these are short term answers to a long term problem. Obviously if you are starving your body you will lose some weight, but keep in mind that what you are losing is mostly water weight and carb weight. Here is where I am waving my warning flags and sounding off the alarms and screaming "THE BRITISH ARE COMING."  You just put your body through a elongated state of shock and you better believe that that weight will be slapping itself right back on. And this time, your body will hold onto it dearly as you just scared it and now, it's preparing for the next time you withhold necessary food and nutrients from it.   *** With that said, there is a right way to go about "cleansing" and it doesn't involve shocking and traumatizing your poor body. More on that later... ***  Moral of this # is avoid the "quick fixes" because more often than not, it's just a facade. 

5. You Skipped The Most Important Meal of The Day!    ...HAPPY HOUR!! ... I kid.  But seriously, if you skip your breakfast, that's a decision for disaster that pretty much guarantees that you will make up for missed calories later in the day.  Skipping breaky has an adverse effect on your metabolism. By not feeding the machine at least a half hour into waking up you slow down your metabolism and increase your weight gain potential. FAT weight, that is.  If you're not a "breakfast person" you should suck it up buttercup and try to add something filled with protein first thing in the morn such as a shake, an egg and avocado on toast, or a a protein pancake or waffle. This sets the tone for your day, so don't put yourself behind the 8-ball, especially before you day has even begun.

6. You Still Drink Diet Pop.   Hate to break it to you, but there are many studies that have shown that people who drink diet drinks end up consuming just as many daily calories as those who incorporate refined sugars into their diet. And if you don't believe me - GOOGLE IT.  There are so many chemicals found in diet drinks that contribute heavily to bloating and weight gain.  It's best to avoid them altogether. If you are like me and just love that fizzle on the tongue and the sweet burn down the throat (ya, you know), then have a sparkling seltzer water! 

7. You're Carb Starved!   Guess what, this can actually lead to some naughty fat gain over time. Plus, without carbohydrates you are starving your body of the necessary fuel it needs to workout and even get you through the day. I'm not saying go pound a cinnamon bun and then crush some cardio. Rather, consume carbs that your body can easily digest and use appropriately such as whole grain breads, brown rice or quinoa. Those are some great and healthy options. But remember, carbs should always be consumed in moderation!

And there you have it! If you have any questions or perhaps there are other things that have you scratching your head, then talk to me, Goose! I'll help ya out!

Juliane - OUT





By request we have opened up the challenge and added an online division!

Doesn't matter where you are,  join the #tightclub and step up for the online challenge!


1. One on one coaching

2. Meal plan with adjustments

3. Weekly check-ins

4. Full workout routine

5. A hotter bod and a chance to win a $500 travel card!



1. Fill in your information in the sign up form at the bottom of the page. An invoice for $100.00 will be sent to you and once paid it confirms your place in the challenge. 

2. You will need to submit via email a "BEFORE" picture of you holding the current newspaper NO LATER THAN JULY 31st.   I need to see a FRONT & BACK side. (sports bra/spandex is cool).

3. On AUGUST 30th you will need to submit you final with the current newspaper.

There will be a panel of 4 fitness professionals which will judge you based on the MOST DRAMATIC TRANSFORMATION as well as LBS lost!



Find Your “WHY”

These are some of the excuses I hear day in and day out...

“I have tried so many times, but nothing works…”

“I need to workout but I just can’t find the time…”

“I can’t seem to stay (or even GET) motivated”

“It is too hard to eat right…”

“I workout for a day or two, I don’t see results, so I stop…”

"But I love pizza and beer, like SO much..."

"I'll start on Monday... oops. Ok, ok, NEXT Monday (and so on, and so on)..."

Are any of these you?  If you want answers to the incessant battle you are having, than I am going to turn the tables back on you and ask you: "What is your WHY?"

Tricks Of The Trade

It is incredibly difficult to stay committed and determined to do anything, unless you know what your "why" is. The WHY is the real reason, the root if you will (and you will) that drives us to change, to get in shape, to be healthy, to make money, WHATEVER it might be that you want to do.

And here is the ticker: You CANNOT change for someone else or change for insignificant reasons. You can ONLY change if your WHY becomes important and visible for YOU! Nothing will ever stick if it's not for you!

Finding the WHY

To pinpoint that sneaky little son of a $%&@, you need to set aside some time, let those hamsters upstairs run like hell and get the wheels turning. Think long and hard as to WHAT your WHY may be.  

Flip through some mags, read articles, sift through the never-ending world of Pinterest. That site is not a time suck when it's for the right reasons, and dammit, this is for a good cause! See what appeals to you, what triggers your inner UMPHH!  Consider making a vision board and it will help reveal some deep desires and inner gusto to get that train moving.  

What are you trying to change? What are you searching for?

Is it for health?
To feel effin AWESOME on the daily?
You want to be more energized?
To be around and active for your kids?
There is no wrong answer out there, it just needs to have meaning and be special to YOU! 

To stick along that line at the risk of sounding redundant, you can’t take somebody else’s WHY and make it your own. This isn't American Idol #seewhatididthere #heypaula.  

Once you get to the root, the nitty gritty of what your “why” is, it will start to drive that change in you.  All of a sudden solutions will start presenting themselves to your problems.  The answers start to become evident and you begin to take action and make shit happen.  Yeah that's right, I cussed!

Discovering your WHY is the most vital step to change, long term change that is. As you proceed to get your mind right, you will see that getting your WHY on is the most important first step in any of my programs.  If you have that in your arsenal, you will retain focus, and you will not be stopped. 

So my beauties, think positive and stay focused and you will render positive results. Waver and lose focus and start to become unsure of yourself, then you will falter. Simple as that! This isn't easy, but I promise you that it's all worth it!

::steps off soapbox and drops the mic::  JULIANE OUT!


Cankles to Calves 101

I've been asked quite a few times for tips on how to tone up and increase calf size for a more aesthetically pleasing look of the leg. I am a girl who appreciates a lovely set of gams so of course I've had to do my homework on the subject and now you may reap the benefits! 

I've got a little ham and eggs coming at ya with a little of the "How" and the "Why."  Let's take a tippy toe walk...

How to Train the Calves: First of all, these are a few basic principles about calves: The gastrocnemius is primarily a fast-twitch muscle. The soleus is primarily a slow-twitch muscle. If you do calf work with straight legs, you work both the gastrocnemius and soleus. If you do calf work with bent legs, you work primarily the soleus FIRST. When you bounce, the achilles tendon a lot, if not most of the work and the calf does little. Main TIP here: DO NOT IGNORE THE SOLEUS, it is beneath the gastrocnemius. So the larger your soleus becomes the more your gastrocnemius will appear more defined.

1. Raise explosively
2. Hold and FLEX
3. Lower very slowly (negative) stretch those muscle fibers. 
4. Stop and hold for 2 full seconds 

If you are looking for some bangin' results, train your calves frequently and consistently. They are developed to carry you around so you will not "over train" them.  I personally train mine every other day. I'm a lady, so they are not massive by any means but I have made a conscious effort to shape them to my will after I understood how to train that specific muscle group.

Now go give those legs a little TLC!

#tightfitness #tightclub  #personaltrainer #onlinecoach  #legs #physique #determined #fit #fitness #fitspo #fitness  #instafit #educateandmotivate #ig_fitness_freaks #instagramhub #instagood #quads  #statigram #workinprogress #fitnesstips #fitnessphysique #calves  

Quick & Dirty 10 Tips To Reduce Body Fat

  1. Reduce sugar
  2. Consume healthy fats
  3. Cut out white carbs
  4. 2-3 liters (at least) of water per day
  5. Manage stress
  6. Increase intake of green, leafy veggies
  7. Eat lean protein 
  8. move your bod
  9. FRESH lemon in your water
  10. LOVE the body you have while you WORK for the body YOU want!

it's not hard, it's not extreme, and it ain't crazy! It's all in the little things that breed big change!