Frustrated that you aren't able to drop those pounds like they're hot and you don't know why...?
Come along with me while I throw down the reasons why it's not working for you..
1. You Are NOT Being Consistent! This is by far the most common problem with folk that are trying to drop the pounds and are scratching their noggins as to why they aren't shedding off like a dream! You can't just eat healthy once in a while, or workout a couple of times and then rationalize a gluttonous meal because you "worked hard". Unless you were born with god-like genes (in which case BEAT IT, PUNK), that's just not good enough. Good intentions don't breed results, consistency and followthrough DOES!
2. You're Building Muscle, Man! Remember this: Weight and fat are two very different things. Too many times people hop on the scale and base the digits off of straight up pound loss. That is how you set yourself up for discouragement and lead you down the path to your boys Ben and Jerry to comfort you. And that's assault, brotha!! So DON'T do that! The more you workout, the more muscle you gain and as you gain muscle mass you will increase your overall weight. Muscle is heavier than fat and yet only takes up about 1/4 the space. You could very well weigh the same, but your physical appearance and measurements are going to be much smaller. You want that muscle because the more muscle you have, the more fat you are able to burn. So look at the big picture, not just the lb digits on the scale.
3. Lack of Variety in Your Workout Plan. Your bod is like a well-oiled machine, and a smart one at that. If you keep doing the same workouts day in and day out, that smart little body of yours knows it and will develop muscle memory for those monotonous movements. Your body will adapt and those boring old moves will no longer become a challenge. At #TIGHTFITNESS, the name of the game is MUSCLE CONFUSION. If you are changing up your exercises, weight, reps, cardio and stretches, then there is no damn way your body is going to play the lazy game with you. It's like a relationship. Switch it up, role play, whatever the kids are doing these days to keep it fresh and give yourself a run for your money.
4. But I Cleansed! ... Really? This one makes me want to bang my head against the wall FOR you! But I've had too many concussions, so instead, I'll just tell you about WHY this is the wrong mentality! There is NOTHING maintainable or sustainable about a cleanse. That's why these are short term answers to a long term problem. Obviously if you are starving your body you will lose some weight, but keep in mind that what you are losing is mostly water weight and carb weight. Here is where I am waving my warning flags and sounding off the alarms and screaming "THE BRITISH ARE COMING." You just put your body through a elongated state of shock and you better believe that that weight will be slapping itself right back on. And this time, your body will hold onto it dearly as you just scared it and now, it's preparing for the next time you withhold necessary food and nutrients from it. *** With that said, there is a right way to go about "cleansing" and it doesn't involve shocking and traumatizing your poor body. More on that later... *** Moral of this # is avoid the "quick fixes" because more often than not, it's just a facade.
5. You Skipped The Most Important Meal of The Day! ...HAPPY HOUR!! ... I kid. But seriously, if you skip your breakfast, that's a decision for disaster that pretty much guarantees that you will make up for missed calories later in the day. Skipping breaky has an adverse effect on your metabolism. By not feeding the machine at least a half hour into waking up you slow down your metabolism and increase your weight gain potential. FAT weight, that is. If you're not a "breakfast person" you should suck it up buttercup and try to add something filled with protein first thing in the morn such as a shake, an egg and avocado on toast, or a a protein pancake or waffle. This sets the tone for your day, so don't put yourself behind the 8-ball, especially before you day has even begun.
6. You Still Drink Diet Pop. Hate to break it to you, but there are many studies that have shown that people who drink diet drinks end up consuming just as many daily calories as those who incorporate refined sugars into their diet. And if you don't believe me - GOOGLE IT. There are so many chemicals found in diet drinks that contribute heavily to bloating and weight gain. It's best to avoid them altogether. If you are like me and just love that fizzle on the tongue and the sweet burn down the throat (ya, you know), then have a sparkling seltzer water!
7. You're Carb Starved! Guess what, this can actually lead to some naughty fat gain over time. Plus, without carbohydrates you are starving your body of the necessary fuel it needs to workout and even get you through the day. I'm not saying go pound a cinnamon bun and then crush some cardio. Rather, consume carbs that your body can easily digest and use appropriately such as whole grain breads, brown rice or quinoa. Those are some great and healthy options. But remember, carbs should always be consumed in moderation!
And there you have it! If you have any questions or perhaps there are other things that have you scratching your head, then talk to me, Goose! I'll help ya out!
Juliane - OUT